Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Motive

What is your heart’s motive?

All actions stem from a motive.  If the motive is love, the action will be righteous, morally and integrally sound.  If the motive is not based in love, the action will be selfish or self serving.  What is Mar’s motive as a company? – Simple, profit.  Did you know Forrest Mars who built the Mars Empire, was quoted as saying,’ I’m a religious man’ he said, ‘I pray for Snickers….’ No one in the room dared move.  These products, Forest explained, were to consume the executives’ every moment. ‘That’s what the consumer buys,’ he said. ‘And that’s what creates profit.  And profit is our single objective.’
This objective seemed to work fine when their product was food items like snickers, m&m’s, uncle Ben’s rice and dog food.  But what happened when Mars bought a chain of veterinary hospitals located in the PetSmart Stores – called Banfield the Pet Hospital? And that they knew nothing about veterinary medicine? Simply this Profits over Pets –Petocide - the systematic destruction of pets for profits by corporations.  You see folks when profit, or should I say the love of money, is your motive– you become blind to truth, to love.  The truth is Mars has now become a killer, a killer of your pet.  But they can’t see that since they are blinded by the love of Money.  They see vaccination as a way to get the consumer in the door, a way to make a profit.  What they don’t see is over-vaccination is killing our pets and its totally unnecessary for the health of those pets and in fact the opposite is true.  Here they are a company whose pet division is bigger than their candy division.  Here we have a company who allows their workers to bring their dogs to work.  And yet unbeknown to those very worker’s Mars supports a policy that is actually killing dogs thru over-vaccination.
It is a very sad thing indeed to have to bring accountability to a company gone wrong, and I pray for the Mars family every day.  But much greater sadness is the many lives that have been lost – innocent pets- and the many pet owners whose grief and suffering from this loss cries out daily from the four corners of the earth.

Folk’s join us for the picket on March 13th:  
Picket Mars North American Headquarters
When: Wednesday, March 13th, 1030 am until sunset( or whatever time you can give)
Where: 800 High Street, Hackettstown, NJ - Mars North America
Why: they promote over-vaccination which is killing pets and children!
How: Bring a sign, design it yourself or I can supply

Bring flyers on over-vaccination and the diseases it is causing! We the People will bring accountability to a corporate America gone wrong!
God Bless, Dr John Robb
Any questions give me a call 203-731-4251 

Boycott all Mars products:
Including Petcare, Chocolate, Wrigley, Food, Drinks and Symbioscience. Mars brands include Chocolate: M&M's, Snickers, Dove, Galaxy, Mars, Milky Way and Twix; Petcare: Pedigree, Whiskas, Sheba, Cesar and Royal Canin; Wrigley: Orbit, Extra, Starburst, Doublemint and Skittles; Food: Uncle Ben's, Dolmio, Ebly, Masterfoods and Seeds of Change; Drinks: Alterra Coffee Roasters, The Bright Tea Co., Klix and Flavia; and Symbioscience: Seramis, Cirku and Cocoavia.

This is a call to action folk’s don’t let another day go by supporting this company by buying its products.  Its blood money folks.  Every dollar spent on Mars products contributes to the death of another innocent Pet by unsuspecting pet parents.  There are so many pets already crying out from the grave, unfortunately we cannot bring them back, but we can stop them from killing any more.  I am the Voice for the pets and ‘We the People’ will bring accountability.  Won’t you help me Protect the Pets?

God Bless and love you all, Dr Robb

Friday, February 22, 2013

The Heroin Addict

When people ask me who I am I say a servant. Who am I here to serve – all! In a world where individuals are replaced by numbers and decisions are made on paper I still believe in community. When a handshake was good enough for commitment and your neighbor was someone you knew. There are no big people or little people - just people. The heroin addict vomiting in the back corner of an alley deserves the same respect as the president. When you cross paths with either you serve them. What do you serve them with - love! When I say love I am not talking about an emotion but an action. The heroin addict is taken to the hospital, or down to a restaurant for a meal, or given a hug and a kiss and told that you are important, you are somebody. That I don't care what you have done or what your past is but I want to help! When you see a person suffering with a broken heart the only thing that can save him or her is to understand not judge but love. We are a world gone wrong. We have forgotten who we are. We need each other to survive and not just those who appear to be on the top. That heroin addict is a source of love for me, a two way street if you will. If you see him or her in the alley and walk on by a piece of you just died, you had a call to action, to love – a great opportunity!

If tears aren't welling in your eyes right now you have to think to yourself - what is wrong with me? As I watch the sun come up today I remember there is a God who sits high and looks low. He is looking for someone to take care of his child, the one with the broken heart, the heroin addict. It’s not too late, today is a new day. Serve whoever God puts in your path. Make a difference in someone’s LIFE!

God Bless you all! Love, Dr Robb

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Dr Jordan Speaks!

Hello Mr. Nickerson;-(Repoter for the recent article in the Stamford Advocate)

I would send you a complimentary copy of the Ebook MARK OF THE BEAST HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT

which I authored. The book is all about the epidemic of vaccine adverse events and the dead pets that follow the over use of unsafe and unnecessary vaccinations. The dedication is "to all the Buttercups out there" and if you were to speak to a veterinarian that will give you the TRUTH, the courage to embrace the truth, then contact Dr. Bob Rogers in Texas who threatened to bring suit against the Texas Veterinary Medical Board if they didn't insist that the Texas veterinarians stop going unchecked in their overdosing of vaccines to the companion animals. I have also done some video's out in the www for YouTube, Vaccine Insights, Part I & I that should show you we have all been BAMBOOZLED, the vaccines are not safe or effective or even necessary. They are the biggest scam ever and one of two of the major impediments to companion animal poor health today. See many veterinarians who recognize this in the DR DOMORE project at interviews from veterinarians all over the world. I have published as many times as I can on these issues and the bottom line is the 'profession is married to the money these vaccine scams make! I have some attachments for you to read and wish that you could show the public what many of us veterinarians have been SICKENED to realize....that the vaccines are the very making of all of those diseases we know of as "Internal Medicine". They are all brought on by the metal poisoning and viral infections delivered with those jabs. The problem save the $$$$MONEY$$$$ the adverse events from vaccinations, unsafe and unnecessary and ineffective as they are lacking any gene impact safety studies AT ALL are DENIED, IGNORED, SWEPT UNDER THE RUG, and the profession will hang you by your license if you try to come out with that very INCONVENIENT TRUTH. I would also call your attention to the detailed accounting of the
vaccine overdosing and unethical practice of using the vaccine to generate revenue on Elizabeth Hart's website; current version of my website: "Over-vaccination- Challenging Big Pharma's lucrative over-vaccination of people and animals".
Please pass this email onto anybody you think might be interested to have a look at the website. (I'm planning to do a separate website for over-vaccination of pets, still working on that.)
So far my over-vaccination website includes web pages on: over-vaccination - a multi-billion dollar market; annual flu vaccination and the influenza industry; questionable HPV vaccination; the arbitrary MMR second 'booster' dose; pertussis/whooping cough - how does increasing the numbers of 'boosters' of the current vaccine protect against the new strain? Over-vaccination of pets - an unethical practice; questions for the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (ATAGI) and the Australian Academy of Science re "The Science of Immunization: Questions and Answers"; and forum discussion on vaccination e.g. the university and CSIRO-funded The Conversation forum, Ben Goldacre’s 'Bad Science' forum; and the Virology Blog.

Also the many books written by Catherine O'Driscoll and the DVD, In search of the Truth of Natural Care for Dogs that can be found on

I think this is a very good time to uncover the inconvenient truth..........that vaccines are unsafe and unnecessary and are being used to generate a fat profit for corporations that do not care about you or your little dog! Sincerely, Dr. Jordan

Dr Robb on Radio

"Hi - I was away from my desk for a little bit. Since Dr. Robb is on with me from about 12:40 or 12:45--1:00 pm ET, we are done 15 minutes ahead of that. Robert Scott Bell, thanks for having Dr. Robb on :-)"Teri wrote: "Tune in to Robert Scott Bell on Tuesday, 2/19 to hear Robert Scott Bell with Dr. John Robb, veterinarian who's been sacked and vilified for his stand on not over-vaccinating pets."

Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Veterinarian should be a Healer

Always nice speaking with you John.

I have been a veterinarian and hopefully a medical healer for almost 50 years.

I have been given the wonderful opportunity to do this.

I will always want people to realize that when I look at their pet and they say to me, it must be hard to know what to do, I can tell them, no it is not that hard, because you’re pet is my pet also.

Unfortunately the general population for the most part has lost their confidence in the veterinary profession.

People have gone to the internet for answers.

I personally believe we may no longer be healers but sales people that have been taught by our schools of higher medical learning, not to observe, and not listen to our best source of information which is our patients owners, and not to make decision on what we see, but rather run a number of tests, to make the diagnosis that may not be indicated and most pet owners cannot even afford!

What ever happened to the day when you could look at the hospital chart before ever seeing the patient, and in 90 % of the cases know the diagnosis and only then do, those necessary tests to determine the correct medication to use?

As a healer, do you remember the days when we could do everything that people could afford but when all the specialist came along, we as general practitioners realized these specialist knew more than we do and would than refer out patient to them.

Guess what? Often the specialist was not available for a long period of time because they were too specialized!

Many people could not even afford these wonderful specialists even if the specialist were available.

The point of the issue is, if you are a true healer, you do not need to make a "buck on anything that crawls".

What has happened to healing as a veterinarian?

Yes, I am terribly disappointed with my profession and only happy that I have spent 50 years showing pet owners a better way.

I do have a website and books by Amazon at that are only there to help guide you and show you there may be a better way.

These are only my thoughts and as someone that loves being a healer, hopes that I can help make a difference during my life time.

Dr. AL

Friday, February 15, 2013

The Sad Truth about Many Veterinarians

I love my fellow veterinarians.  It is with great sadness and tears that I have to speak on this subject.  But the well being of the pet and the Hippocratic Oath every veterinarian took must come first. Veterinarians like all people must prove they are trust worthy. We can’t assume since they have a veterinary degree they are animal lovers and trustworthy.  I do believe most start their journey to become a vet because of a profound love of animals.  However as time goes on the love of money often eats at the heart and many sell out.  It’s very sad but the unspoken rule in my profession is to protect the vet, not the pet. Any vet who continually and knowingly puts profits over the well being of our pets despite previous warnings should lose their license and be prosecuted under the law. First though we have to change the laws so pets are not considered just property but living property. Anything knowingly done to them that would take away life needs to have a criminal aspect to it.  I love my profession but vets are just people and not angels. Not all but many of them have proven they can't be trusted so we the people must stop blindly trusting them and enact laws that bring accountability to a profession gone wrong. It’s the only thing that will protect our Pets!

Thanks for your support, Love, Doc


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Catherine O’Driscoll Speaks !

Dear Dr Robb

 I have been appalled to hear of your experiences after refusing to give a full dose of unnecessary vaccines to pets whilst in practice at a Banfield franchise.  Through Canine Health Concern, I have been campaigning to end unnecessary pet vaccination for the last 20 years. It was known in 1978, when Drs Ronald D Schultz and Tom R Philips were published in Kirks Veterinary Therapy, that once immune, dogs remain immune to viral disease for years or life. Fraud is defined in the UK as ‘obtaining a pecuniary advantage through deception’ and the veterinary vaccine industry has been obtaining a pecuniary advantage through deception for over 35 years. There is absolutely no scientific evidence to say that pets need annual shots and, as you have stated, over-vaccination can be harmful.

 From the early 2000s, veterinary bodies in America (namely the American Animal Hospital Association, the American Veterinary Medical Association, the Australian Veterinary Association, and the World Small Animal Veterinary Association) have been stating that we should stop over-vaccinating our pets, and that vaccination can be harmful. Further, they have advocated titer testing to ascertain whether circulating antibodies are present. If so, revaccination is neither required nor beneficial. If antibodies are present, they simply cancel out the booster vaccine and no more immunity is provided.

 Published scientific literature shows that vaccines can cause encephalitis (brain inflammation), epilepsy, behavioural changes, atopy and other allergies, autoimmune diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, autoimmune haemolytic anaemia, and even cancer and leukaemia. How bitter a loss when our beloved pets are killed by vaccines they didn’t even need.

 My prayer is that your dreadful experiences, and your willingness to speak out, will contribute to the abolition of annual vaccination. You have our full support.

 With kind regards,

 Catherine O’Driscoll

 Author: What Vets Don’t Tell You About Vaccines, and Shock to the System.

Petsmart also Putting Profits over Pets

To: "Edmund, Rob"
Subject: Fwd: [Vaccines and more for humans and their pets...] .TODAY, RADIO LONDON, 94.9 FM ..... 3-4 pm, will...

Starting to "hit" close to home Rob, God Bless, Doc

From: Catherine O'Driscoll
To: "Vaccines and more for humans and their pets..."
Date: February 14, 2013 at 9:25 AM
Subject: [Vaccines and more for humans and their pets...] .TODAY, RADIO LONDON, 94.9 FM ..... 3-4 pm, will...
Catherine O'Driscoll posted in Vaccines and more for humans and their pets...

Catherine O'Driscoll 8:40am Feb 14
.TODAY, RADIO LONDON, 94.9 FM ..... 3-4 pm, will be discussing:

PET OVER-VACCINATION starring the world's foremost toppermost expert on pet vaccines: Dr Ronald D Schultz. Woo hoo!

The wonderful holistic vet Richard Allport and Catherine O...'Driscoll, founder of Canine Health Concern and author of 'What Vets Don't Tell You About Vaccines' will also be appearing.

You want the truth about your pet's annual shots? You've got to listen in. To listen live from your computer, go to between 3 and 4 GMT.
BBC - London 94.9 - Live
BBC London 94.9FM for Vanessa Feltz, Robert Elms and comprehensive London news, travel, sport and co...

Just so you know Rob Edmund is the Vice President of Petsmart - the company that had me tied and hand-cuffed to a stetcher and taken by ambulance to Stamford Emergency Hospital and tried to have me admitted to the Psych ward. Petsmart also sent the Police to my house claiming I was crazy and would kill people.  He believes you the public have no power and they Petsmart are untouchable.  I told him the public loves their pets and when they find out Petsmart's has been misleading them putting profits over the lives of their pets they will demand accountabilty!  We love our pets and no company, not Banfield, Mars or Petsmart can get away with petocide - the systematic destuction of pets for profit by corporations! "Edmund, Rob"

God Bless, love, Doc


I forgive every person who has said or done anything to me in my current trial.  I forgive Vincent Bradley vice president of Banfield, Jennifer Eudy counsel for Banfield, Bruce Brenning chief counsel for Banfield and Jeffery Klausner chief medical officer for Banfield.  I forgive those in the Mars family, owners of Banfield that made the decision to remove the Charter owners within the Banfield hospitals by intimidation, false accusations and lies.  I forgive PetSmart who owns 5% of Banfield and houses them for sending the police to my house and abandoning me in my time of need. I forgive you Dr Tucker my beloved associate for abandoning me in my time of need.  I forgive all and everyone who has said anything against me or in any way did evil against me, my wife or my family.  They know not what they do.

Why do I forgive?  Jesus commanded it!  If not for Jesus, who God sent into the world to die for all of our sins, I would not be forgiven.  But thru his precious blood, thru his stripes, I am forgiven, healed and set free.  It is a fee gift available to all people to accept him as Lord and Savior.  To they that knock the door will be open.

I know so many have turned away from the current Church and religious leaders, and for good reason.  Most have sold out to the world.  Most churches with a cross on top are just dens of Satan, a box with a cross! They are filled with people who give the appearance of loving Jesus but in reality are worshiping Satan.  They are conformed to this world, not transformed by Christ.  If that represents Jesus it should and must be rejected. 

I have been called to speak the name of Jesus, to bring light into areas of darkness.  Right now that is a Veterinary Field gone wrong, a veterinary field that masquerades as the protector of Pets but meantime kills them by injection for profit.  The same is true of people doctors, MD’s.  We shall bring this stronghold down.  God is angry and bringing vengeance.  My job is to pray that those doing the work of Satan by killing our pets and children will repent before it is too late.  Pray for them with a spirit of forgiveness.
God Bless you all, love, Doc

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

God's Territory

My success in life has been to claim territory for the Kingdom of Heaven and control the boundaries. When someone steps outside the boundary I have to rebuke them and bring them back. They can free-think but only within the boundaries God sets. His boundaries are set with morals, integrity, serving others, forgiveness and reconciliation, love, peace joy, hope, gentleness, kindness, self-control and long-suffering. It is a constant battle as these boundaries are directly opposed to what is going on in the world. My original website was all written by someone else. But Elisa Sweet first interviewed me and made sure all of my dreams and visions, my heart if you will was expressed and nothing else. Then she printed my story.

There is no rush here to do anything. All time belongs to God, a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day. When he opens a door no man can close it and when he closes a door no man can open it. As long as I stay obedient to his word, in love we will overcome every obstacle put in our path. He has told me to guard the boundaries. Even in court if the judge steps outside the boundaries God has set I must rebuke him or her. Where ever I go I break down strongholds and claim territory for the Kingdom of God. Once claimed I enforce the boundaries of the Kingdom of Heaven. No man can stop me as long as I do the Will of The Father empowered by the Holy Spirit and speak the name which is above all names – Jesus Christ, my Lord, my Savior, my Peace, and my Redeemer! 

God Bless you and I love you all! Doc

Monday, February 11, 2013

Paradigm Shift !

My pastor told me yesterday he is worried about me and prays for me, because I am on the edge!? It’s not true. I am on solid ground far from the edge. I am being obedient to God in what I say and do. God is very angry at people for what they have done to his pets and animals in general. I have no fear of man and so speak the truth in love to Mars, Petsmart and Banfield. They have no power over me! When it comes to my veterinary license I have no concerns. If there is a law that kills pets God wants it broken. The state of Ct has no power over me! I am unlike other vets who are against over-vaccinating and give ½ doses of other vaccines full dose with rabies vaccine fearing the loss of their license. I will not kill pets with any vaccine, law or not! This is why I am on solid ground and far from the edge! I am not living for man's approval, popularity or awards. I am happy with the eternal rewards I am building in heaven. The only person I am trying to please is my Lord and Savior - JESUS CHRIST, the name above all names, the way I please him is to make his will my will. That is my reasonable service.  It doesn’t make me good, only obedient. Jesus says,” those that love me will obey me”.  The problem we have in our world now is very little obedience and a whole lot of rhetoric.  People pray all the time, talk of revival but have no power – first be obedient, than pray! I love you all and am praying for you!

God bless, Doc

Friday, February 8, 2013

Apathy is KILLING our Pets!

We have among us three corporations that lie to our face – Mars Company who owns 95% of Banfield the Pet Hospital and Petsmart, who houses Banfield and owns 5%.  Petsmart says you are pet parents, since when do Parents allow their children to be killed by over-vaccination for profit.  Banfield says they treat you like family, since when are you being treated like family when your pets are lined up and injected with toxins.
Folks I have been in this industry close to 30 years.  I have owned a general small animal practice, I have owned and operated a small animal emergency clinic, I have worked with wildlife rescue, I have worked with animal welfare group cats and dogs, I have worked for the Ct Humane Society and been a Board member, I was honored by the Red Cross, I was a medical director for Veterinary Centers of America (VCA) and a franchise owner for Banfield.  I helped to get the rabies exemption law passed in ct.  I have worked with Greyhound rescue and helped bring humane treatment to these racing dogs and written anesthetic protocols for them.  I was the first vet to introduce laser surgery into Ct.  I don’t belong to any of the “old boy” groups like the AVMA, AHHA, the CVMA or work with any pharmaceutical companies.  I do lead an Organization called Protect the Pets which is the voice for the pets bringing morals and ethics back into veterinary medicine.  In short I know this industry inside and out and when I say these three companies – Mars, Banfield and Petsmart are killing your pets they are!  Then the question becomes what are YOU the pet owner, the pet parent, the pet family, going to do?  Sit by and be the next victim.  The Maltese owners call their furry friendsFluffs.  Do you know how many Fluffs were injected by these three companies with vaccines they didn’t need, they knew they didn’t need, but injected them for profit and now they are dead or going to die!
It is time, are you going to sit back and let another innocent pet die?  Or are you going to stop eating M&M’s,  snickers bars and go online and see what companies Mars owns and stop buying their products?!.  Are you going to tell every person you are connected with to do the same and explain why or give them this letter?!  Are you going to go online and get Petsmarts number and tell them you will not buy another item from their store until they kick Banfield out and put Dr Robb and Protect the Pets in?! Are you in short going to demand accountability in a corporate America gone wrong that commits Petocide – the systematic destruction of Pets for Profit by corporations?

We the people of this world need to take our world back from these evil people who prey on our innocent pets. 
Why do you think Banfield terminated Dr Robb?  Why do you think they had me tied to a stretcher and handcuffed in by 5 police officers and taken to Stamford Emergency Hospital for psychiatric evaluation?  Why do you think they had me arrested as I was trying to warn my clients not to revaccinate their pet without a titer being done? Why do you think Petsmart sent the police to my house to harass my wife? Why do you think they got on my website and removed content? Why do you think they have sent me viral emails? Why do you think they characterized me as the same kind of man as the one that killed all those children in the Newtown massacre? Why do you think they told me they would make sure I lost my veterinary license , ruin my reputation and stop me from ever making a living again?  Simple, I know who they are and will expose their guilt, their agenda.  But guess what, since I took a Hippocratic Oath to protect the animals they would have to put a bullet in my head because I will not stop until these three corporations and the people behind the mask are exposed and prosecuted to the full extent of the law!

If you let fear of people stop you from taking action than you cannot serve God.  It’s one or the other, you serve people or you serve God.  My strength comes directly from God.  He has ordained me to be the voice of our pets! No person will silence me!  Folks enough is enough take some action NOW!
God Bless you all from the bottom of my heart, love, Dr Robb
PS Don’t forget it’s the pharmaceutical companies with the money that are funding these corporations and bribing our governments, they must come down to! Go get them folks, leave no stone unturned until all pets and people are protected!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Dr. Robb’s closing arguments

CHARTER PRACTICES:                        
INTERNATIONAL, LLC, ET AL.,                                             January 30, 2013    


     First of all I did not break any state or federal laws. Although they, the plaintiffs say I did I have presented all the applicable laws and when you read them it is clear I am not in violation.  The veterinarian has the final say on how much of a vaccine to give and when to give it. The Rabies vaccine was always given in the timeframe the state of Ct required the dosage is up to me stated in the Vista Act of 1913. In addition my Hippocratic oath that says do no harm allows me to make the best decision for the pet regardless.  If there was a law that required me to do something that I knew would injure, maim or kill a pet I would not obey it! Sorry, I PROTECT THE PETS. God put me here to do it and has me speaking for them – I am their voice and that’s ordained by God! I am not a respecter of persons. Another words if people in high positions are doing the wrong thing they must be brought to accountability regardless of their position. God has the final say with Grace and Mercy my job is to point out the fault.  Not in terms of judgment as that is reserved for God.  But with the hope the person will repent and turn from their wicked ways.  That is why I love and pray for my enemies, because if not for Jesus I would be just like them!

     I have the right for moral and ethical grounds not to follow a franchise agreement that kills pets by over-vaccination. Their chief medical officer – Dr. Jeffery Klausner purposely suppresses Dr Dodd’s research to continue Banfield’s agenda to put profits over pets by over-vaccinating. Petocide –the systematic destruction of pets for profits by corporations. Their expert Dr Schultz clearly states in multiple places in the documents entered into this case that pets should have a titer done prior to vaccination because if they have a protective level they should not be re-vaccinated.  He goes on to state if they are re-vaccinated when they don’t need it they might have a reaction (which could mean death) which would be criminal.  So in fact Dr Klausner should be charge for cruelty to animals by exposing them to toxins which carries a prison term and fine if convicted.  You think I am going to follow that standard and I am in violation because I didn’t?

     With Dr Dodd’s Declaration and Andy Tanner’s declaration you have evidence that is diametrically opposed to Banfield’s position. 

      Now look at Dr Robb. If you Google me, look me up on line, read about my life you would find a hard working veterinarian who always had the pets’ best interest in mind and demonstrated that in his 28 year career time and time again. No he is not a perfect man by any stretch by he has a heart for God and because of that accountability he strives always to care for the pets and their pet parents in a truthful, moral and ethically sound way.

     Now look at Banfield, you will find more lawsuits and complaints than you could shake a stick at and a trail of broken lives and dead pets.

     You Judge Chatigny at the recommendation of Magistrate Martinez must make the correct decision and find no merit in the plaintiff’s allegations and immediately remove the restraining order.  Banfield  used you by getting you to allow this temporary restraining order to systematically re- vaccinate most of my clients pets so no titers could be done and prove they had protective titer levels from ½ dose vaccination in the smaller pets. And in so doing your TRO has resulted in sick pets- as some have already had the immediate reactions talked about in the Purdue Study of 2005- but also some will die an agonizing death from cancer – vaccine associated sarcomas at the injection sites, hemolytic anemia – where the body breaks down the red blood cells until the pet essentially suffocates and a host of other diseases.  Even their lead attorney Jeff Wolf was caught lying in court concerning Dr Saria and immediately retracted his statement and made an apology to the court saying he was “confused” or “misstated” or “miss-remembers”. Where have we heard these statements before?

     I have done all I could to protect the pets, been arrested once, handcuffed to a stretcher and taken by ambulance for psychiatric evaluation to Stamford Hospital, terminated from my position as owner of Banfield the pet hospital of Stamford, had the police sent to my house in New Fairfield by Petsmart, characterized as dangerous to employees necessitating armed guards posted at Petsmarts in Ct, had my website, , broken into and content removed, viral emails sent that compromised my e mail, had my paycheck with held and no money given to me for my hospital or my equipment, harassing phone calls to my wife, and lied about in court stating that I said the children in the Newtown Massacre deserved to die because their parents did not believe in God!!! Talk about CHARACTER ASSASIANTION!~   This whole trial has been nothing short of a complete and utter lie by the plaintiffs to continue their agenda of petocide by over-vaccination!

    Judge Chatigny make the right decision, these pets blood is not on my hands, stop the carnage put the pets’ blood where it belongs and hold them accountable – Banfield, Petsmart and Mars.

      This is the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth, so help me God! Sworn on my bible this 30th day of January 2013.

                             John M. Robb DVM