Saturday, March 2, 2013


There are no perfect people, we all have made mistakes and will make more.  But there is an upward calling - to mature, become more Christ-like if you will.  Behind every company are people.  Sometimes we use the word "corporation" and think it is something else but the truth is behind the veil is a person or persons making decisions.  There are so many good movies that characterize my argument.  Watch "Scrooge" for instance.  Just a man making decisions but when he faced the reality of those decisions he changed and became a better man.  Watch “It’s a Wonderful Life”, Mr. Potter never did change but in the end George Bailey won.  Watch the Movie Bridge over the River Kuai.  In this movie the English Colonel would not compromise his integrity to the point of death, and won.  Finally watch the movie Erin Brocovich. Here again after much consequences including death and sickness of many innocent people you have accountability.  I bring all these movies to light because they are non-threatening ways of learning about people and the lives we must lead towards an upward calling.  Fear of people can never be a part of the upward calling.  We will win this battle to Protect the Pets.  I do not fear people but only God and God has sent me forward to bring accountability to the people behind the veil, behind the corporations , who are making decisions that destroy the lives of pets and their owners, corporations that destroy the lives of children and their parents.  We will be victorious folks but we must take action, without fear of people.  Come out to the Picket March 13th against the Mars Family.  I say Family because there are just people behind the veil, in this case, Jacqueline Mars, John Mars and Forrest Mars.  These are the three that are making the decision to put Profits over Pets. They bought Banfield in 2007. They have an agreement with PetSmart to house the veterinary hospitals called – Banfield the Pet Hospital.  Let’s hope like Scrooge they will see the error in their way and stop petocide – the systematic destruction of pets for profit by corporations.  But if they don’t, we like the Colonel will be victorious and although Dr Robb looks like George Bailey when he is in his darkest hour my many friends are now here is support and we are now marching to a historic victory on March 13th in Hackettstown, New Jersey.  Let’s pray for Jacqueline, John and Forrest that they don’t end up like Mr. Potter an old miserable, rich man, broken and eternally separated from God.  Lets March to victory, lets protect the pets, the Voice of the Pets, God Bless, doc

Picket Mars North American Headquarters
When: Wednesday, March 13th, 1030 am until sunset( or whatever time you can give)

Where: 800 High Street, Hackettstown, NJ - Mars North America

Why: they promote over-vaccination which is killing pets and children!
How: Bring a sign, design it yourself or I can supply

Bring flyers on over-vaccination and the diseases it is causing! We the People will bring accountability to a corporate America gone wrong!

God Bless, Dr John Robb
Any questions give me a call 203-731-4251

Cancel your wellness plans at Banfield the Pet Hospital, boycott all PetSmart stores, boycott all Mars products! Profit is there god, take it away from them and they will come out from behind the veil.


At March 12, 2017 at 11:00 PM , Blogger Cindy S. said...

Thank you for all your work in protecting pets. You are their voice. Keep up the good work and remain steadfast. Isaiah 40:31.
Cindy S. Londonderry NH


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